I'd Rather Be Reading!

I'd Rather Be Reading - the start!🏃 Welcome to the first installment of 'I'd Rather Be Reading!' A few months ago, I was plodding (and I do mean plodding) along the pavement, thinking about all the books that I would like to see in school. For those of you who also enjoy a plod, this can offer a time of reflection, mindfulness, or just generally crazy ideas! And so I start thinking about how we can raise money to buy the books that we really would like children to read. Could we have a bake sale? Oh no, whilst delicious, this would never give us enough... Could we have a read-a-thon? No, we need the books for that (hold that idea...)...Could our staff run a sponsored marathon? YES! Okay, perhaps not a whole marathon, but at least a half. I arrive at school and know just the person to talk to about this. This person loves running, is a running trainer, has oodles of energy, and is full of excitement - Mrs Rees! Of course, Mrs Rees loves the idea. We decide to hav...