
Showing posts from December, 2023

Twas the week before Christmas...

Twas the week before Christmas... We may be nearing Christmas, but this has not stopped our ‘I’d Rather be Reading Team hitting the pavements. We have decided to swap the sweet treats and mince pies and instead run some extra miles. Mrs Palmer has been smashing her longer runs on a Saturday and has managed to complete 15km this weekend!! AMAZING! Similarly, Mrs Rees and Ms Salter, both managed 13km on Sunday. Once Ms Salter had managed to find Mrs Rees! They managed to see a beautiful sunrise! Yes! That is how early they were out running on Sunday!  Mrs Pope went for a run on Sunday and managed to set a new PB for 5km!  Also, Ms Stimpson managed to go for a 5Km due to her son’s football match being a late kick off!  Mr Paice has been spending the dark evenings clocking up the miles!  Any opportunity to run, Team 'I’d Rather be Reading' are taking them!🙌  

Achieving Milestones

Achieving Milestones Another fantastic week for the ‘I’d Rather be Reading’ Team. Everyone is staying motivated (somehow!) despite the horrendous weather and the busyness of this time of year.  The miles are coming in for our runners and the milestones are being met.  First off, Mrs Pope did brilliantly by achieving her first full 5k without stopping this week whilst out after school with Miss Bradley, Mr Brown and Mrs Rees! Make sure you check for us running on a Thursday evening around Wymondham as there’ll always be a few of us out! Mr Higgins is also one of our most frequent runners and is showing-off with his fast pace. Mr Paice and Mrs Palmer are hitting runs a few times a week too.  Then this weekend, Mrs Lubbock set a new PB for a 5k run, Mrs Rees and Mrs Pope hit some nice runs with their gorgeous pooches and Miss Bradley got her husband-to-be out for his first 5k run in months.  In other news, Mrs Warner treated herself to a brand new pair of trainers and i...

Running Updates

Let's fill you in with some of our running updates so far. We hope that you will celebrate these achievements with us. On 19th November, the wonderful Mrs Kelly Lubbock was rather giddy after completing her first ever 10K...what an amazing achievement.  You may have seen Governor Mr Mark Higgins pounding the streets of Wymondam, racking up the miles. Mrs Lianne Rees has been encouraging Mrs Lizzie Warner to increase her Sunday mileage - I believe they are currently up to 12K! The Pope family (yes, Bently too) have been plodding the paths. On some rather chilly Thursday evening, you may see this group spurring each other on: Mrs Lianne Rees has been teaching us about running splits (she is OFFICIALLY our champion running trainer - even though she is recovering from having a broken toe!). The icy evenings have not stopped Miss Kerry Bradley and Mrs Hollie Pope: The cold weather has not stopped Mr Adam Paice, who had icicles on his eyelashes at the end of a recent run. Mr Chris Brown ...